Helloooo...I don't know if anyone is even still reading this thing (or if they were in the first place) but after taking a 5 month hiatus...I'M BACK! And for good this time, with the promise of more frequent and varying posts, but only under one condition...part of the reason why I lost my ambition to keep this blog going (aside from moving 4 times and overwhelming myself with school, work, internships, friends, family etc…) was because I really didn't think it was reaching anyone. And while I do love having a place to archive all my findings and yum adventures, my main motivation is to share my wealth of knowledge with others. This is because I can say that the hands-down best resource for me when transitioning into a vegan and more environmentally responsible lifestyle has been through the internet. As a student, both in college and the world, I feel that I owe every thing I know to the amazing individuals and communities of people who have been gracious enough to share their findings with me. I haven’t really done too much in the form of marketing my blog, but I could really use your help to feel like my voice is being heard. I think with the encouragement of others, the energy to continue to collect information and start many interesting discourses will only come naturally. So, in exchange for your support, today I would like to share one of my favorite recipes of all time.
Trail of Kale Salad::
1 bunch of kale (or 2 small bunches)
pinch of sea salt
1 lemon
1 avocado
¼- ½ red onion, sliced thin
sesame seeds
¼c arame seaweed, placed in a bowl of warm water and left to rehydrate
dulce/ seaweed flakes. I use this mix.

Click image to enlarge
Wash the kale leaves rip into bite-size pieces. In a large container, massage the leave with the salt and allow it to sit out and soften for about ten minute. The longer you massage, the more enzymes in the kale break down and the softer it becomes. Return to the bowl and squeeze the juice of a lemon over the leaves and massage. Slice open an avocado, remove the pit and slice into pieces before dumping it on top of the kale and, you guessed it…massage it into the leaves. Add in the sliced red onion, hydrated arame and top with sesames seeds and seaweed flakes. This is the type of dish that tastes better the longer you let it sit in the refrigerator. So good I could literally eat the whole bunch!
What have been your most useful vegan resources?
Stay tuned for more! And tell your friends;)
Welcome back! Don't worry, we are still reading!