Monday, December 31, 2012

It's been bitchin' 2012

What a freaking whirlwind 2012 has been for me. I feel like something extraordinary happened each of the past twelve months- some fun and exhilarating, others not so much. This past year I feel like I lost, found, lost again, rediscovered and uncovered a ton about myself, took loads of risks and look forward to doing even more in 2013.  As someone who is always looking for the opportunity to renew myself and make positive changes, I always find myself reflecting and scratching out a few resolutions as December comes to a close. Some years I'm a bit more diligent than others, but I thought I'd share what I came up with this year. Here's to a healthy and a happy new year! 

In 2012 I...
+won a fatty scholarship for design project I created and accompanying research paper I wrote
+completed my first clothing collection and participated in a fashion show where I had to talk in front of a huge crowd
+went through my first "real, adult, break-up" (whatever that means. boys drool. jk)
+contributed art to an arts festival, currated a group show and graduated from college
+went to an artists residency for a month, made cool, weird art and even cooler and weirder friends
+moved back home with my mom to save money 
+very soon after found a sick new apartment, and after lots of drama, signed my first two-year lease and started living with my brother for the first time in close to a decade
+worked beastly amounts (note to self: 5 days off a month is NOT enough) to make lots of moolah to $upport myself
+quit one of my jobs, for the first time, which was also the first job I was ever hired at, almost seven years ago. not an easy task
+began getting a glimpse of what I want to do with my life, or at least my life in 2013, which brings me to...

In 2013 I...
+want to take better care of myself from the inside out (I'm obviously already a health freak but the main thing I want to  change this year is making more time for yoga/ exercising. I've learned that has such a great effect on me physically AND emotionally)
+meditate regularly
+better refine/ define my style and over-all aesthetic 
+create beautiful things, constantly 
+be more open-minded/ take risks/ go on more adventures
+don't worry, be happy! no but seriously, stop stressing over dumb shit.
+focus on myself more, and my needs and treat yo' self every now and then
+but also continue to conserve, and save up for the future
+carve out more time to see friends and family. while I love me some alone time, socializing and forming new relationships is just as important and also I feel like need to network a bit more
+continue to educate myself- this is the first time in 20 years that I'm not in school and that is terrifying for me, but also exciting that I can take advantage of all the learning opportunities around me. from all the interesting, experienced people to literal classes being offered all around the city. there are also a ton of books I've been meaning to pick up...
+only do things that I love 
(ok, maybe I don't love going to work or doing the dishes, but do I love supporting myself and living in a clean home and my current job is definitely the most lucrative and enjoyable way to accomplish that, and the dishes ain't gonna wash themselves, so...
I'll end this lengthly and sporadic melange of thoughts with a quote that I heard (or saw?) somewhere only a few days before I decided to leave my job. It made me realize that there is really no point in forcing yourself to do things that make you totally unhappy, no matter what it may lead to in the long run. Live is made up of short moments, which form a (pretty freaking short if you ask me) whole, so make sure each little speck of that whole is as amazing as possible.
Here's to many happy and exciting moments in 2013. 

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